For busy professionals, the value of full service is enjoying a renaissance. Do-it-yourself is being replaced by do-it-for-me. Particularly in the case of business travel, where the time you spend searching for the most cost-effective flight often erases any savings. We can do it for you - at no extra charge.
We are providing you with your personal Account Manager to call on should there ever be any problem with your flight, hotel or rental car arrangements booked through us. This accountability is reassuring, especially when you are on a busy schedule, coming in and out of meetings, with little time to sort out important details like changing a return flight for example. Our services are available on weekends and top executives may have access to their agent's personal pager.
Forward your receipts to us and our team will produce a detailed report of your travel expenses. Saving you even more time.
When you choose your travel arrangments with us, we are building a personal profile of your travel preferences. Next time you call us, you won't have to explain that you like aisle seats or being near the front rather than the rear or have special dietary requirements. We know exactly what you like and get it for you.